
Saxifrage Family

The Saxifrage Family is mostly made up of herbs, shurbs, and some small trees. It contains about 87 genera and 5or 600 speicies. Included in this exhibit are the Syringa Mock Orange and the Indian Rhubarb plants. Both are in season during May and June. 

Papaveraceae. Poppy Family

The Papaverceae, or Poppy Family, is made up of 17 genera and 130 species. The plants are typically smooth, glaucous with wavy leaves. The California Poppy usually begins to grow in March all the way through June. The Poppy Chicolote can be found in July. 

Ericaceae. Heath Family

The Ericaceae, or Heath Family, consists of woody plants and perennial herbs, including 73 genera and over 1,300 species. The Western Azalea can be found in June and Rosebay can be found in July along the California Coast. 

Caprifoliaceae. Honeysuckle Family

The Caprifoliaceae, or Honeysuckle Family, is mostly shrubs and herbs and only has about a dozen genera but over 200 species. Among those are the Ywin Berry and the Snowberry. Both plant types are in season in June, the Ywinberry can be found in the Butte Meadows where it was painted by Frances Brown.

Boraginaceae. Forget-me-not Borage Family

The Boranginaceae, or Forget-me- not Family, has around 70 genera and an upwards of 600 species. Included among those is the Western Hounds Tongue, it is in season during the months of February and May. 

Leguminosae. Pea Family

Leguminosae, or the Pea Family, has three sub orders: Brasiletto, Mimosa, and the Pea Families. All fall under the Pea family and should be reffered to as such. Included in this family is the Western Red Bud, which can be found in March and April. As well as the Scotch Broom which can be found in the Valley in May or June. 

Orchidaceae. Orchis Family

The Orchidaceae, or Orchis Family, has about 300 genera and over 4,000 species. According to Brown the rarest Orchids are pure white and there are 10 genera located in California. Pictred here is a Milk White Rein Orchis, it is in season in June. 


Frances Brown did not include a cover page on her researc for the Martyniaceae, or Unicorn Plant Family. According to Wikipedia these plants are resiticted to the Americas. Pictured here is the Devils Claw, It is found in Mexico in the late summer. 

Malvaceae. Mallow Family

The Malvaceae, or Mallow Family, is distributed widely across the world and has 8 genera in California. Included among the 8 gerera is Wild Hollyhoek, of which we have two watercolor paintings of. The plant can be found in May or June in the California Foothills. 

Liliaceae. Lily Family

The Liliaceae, or Lily Family, has 180 genera and 1900 species. They are known for their beauty and their fragrance. Featured here are the Washington Lily and the Tiger Lily. The Washington Lily can be found in the high-mountains in June. The Tiger Lily can can found in the mountians or hillsides in June and July. 

Aristolochiaceae. Dutchman's Pipe or Birthwort Family

The Aristolochiaceae, or Birthwort Family, also called Dutchman's Pipe, is made up of perennial herbs and shrubs. It has five genera and 200 species, two of which are in California. Featured here is Wild Ginger, it grows in May. 

Violaceae. Violet Family

The Violaceae, or Violet Family, consists of 25 genera and only one is found in California. Featued here is the Viola Ocellata which can be found in Shasta Conty, it grows i April. 

Rosaceae. Rose Family

The Rosaceae, or Rose Family, has 70 genera and over a thousand species, there are 28 genera in California. Featured here is the Western Mountain Ash and the Cream Bush. Cream Bush grows on the California coast in June and July. 

Solanaceae. Nightshade Family

The Solanaceae, or Nightshade Family, contains 60 genera and 900 species, there are 10 genera in California. Featured here is the Thorn Apple, all parts of the plant are poisonous and the seeds contain 3 dangerous alkaloids. 

Primulaceae. Primrose Family

The Primulaceae, or Primrose Family, consists of around 25 genera and over 300 species, there are 8 genera in California. Featured here is the Shooting Star plant, Brown painted multiple versions of this and there appear to be two different typles of the plant that are found at different times. The left grows in February through April. The right grows in the high-mountains in June and July. 

Ranunculaceae. Buttercup or Crowfoot Family

The Ranunculaceae, or Buttercup Family is also known as the Crowfoot Family. It has over 30 genera around the world, there are 13 genera in California. Featured here is the Pipe stem, found in the California Foohills in March and April, and the Marsh Marigold, painted in Mt. Lassen park and found in June. 

Polygonaceae. Buckwheat Family

The Polygonaceae, or Buckwheat Family, consists of 30 genera and 700 species, there are 10 genera in California. Featured here are a few types of Knotweed. The first grows in July and was painted in Mt. Lassen lake. The other two features are both found in June. 

Portulacaceae. Purslane Family

The Portulacaceae, or Purslane Family, consists os 15 genera distributed around the world, 7 of them are in California. Featured here is the Pussy Paws plant, it is found in the mountains in June. 

Rhamnaceae. Buckthorn Family

The Rhamnaceae, or Buckthorn Family, consists of 35 genera and around 500 species, California has 4 genera. Shown is the Snowbrush, it is found in the high-mountains in September, and Mountain Lilac, which can be found April through June. 

Polemoniaceae. Polemonium Family

The Polemoniaceae, or Polemonium Family, can also be refered to as the Phlox Family. It only has a few genera but 150 species. Featured here is the Phlox Speciosa, it is found in May and June. 

Onagraceae. Evening-Primrose Family

The Onagraceae, or Evening-Primrose Family, contains 30 genera and 300 species, California has 14 genera. Featured here are Sun Cups, which are found on the California coast, and Godetia Amoena, which are also on the coast in July. 

Gentianaceae. Gentian Family

The Gentianaceae, or Gentian Family, consists of 50 genera nad 500 species, 5 genera exist in California but they are wildely distributed around the world. Featured here are the Wooly Morning Glory, found in the high-mountains in July, and the Wild Morning Glory, found in June. 

Iridaceae. Iris Family

The Iridaceae, or Iris Family, consists of more than 50 genera and over 500 species, there are two in California. Feaured here is the Sierra Iris, found March through June, and the Iris Douglasiana, which is found in June and July on the coast and painted in Mendocino County. 

Labiate. Mint Family

The Labiate, or Mint Family, consists of 125 genera and over 2,000 species, there are 18 genera in California. Feautured here are Pitcher Sage and Mountain Mint, both are in season in June. 

Cruciferae. Mustard Family

The Cruciferae, or Mustard Family, contains more the 175 genera and around 2,000 species around the world, there are 30 genera in California. Featured here is the Western Wall Flower, found in June, and a Lace Pod, found in April. 

Fumariaceae. Bleeding Heart Family

The Fumariaceae, or Bleeding Heart Family, can also be known as the Fumitory Family. It consists of only six genera, there are 2 in California. Feautured is the Corydalis, it can be found in June. 

Compositae. Composite Family

The Compositae, or Composite Family is the largest existing plant family, it conists of more than 12,000 species. It has many of the more common, easily identifiable plants such as Sunflowers and Daisies. Featured here is a Chrysanthemum, it was introduced from Europe and can be found on the coast in June or July. 

Caryophyllaceae. Pink Family

The Caryophyllaceae, or Pink Family, consists of more than 35 genera and over 1,000 species, California has 9 genera. Featured here are the Pearlwort and the Stitchwort, both can be found in June. 


Frances Brown did not feature a cover page in the Asclepiadaceae, according to Brittanica it is also know as the Milk Weed Family and it has over 214 genera and around 2,400 species. Featured here is Milkweed. 

Scrophulariaceae. Figwort Family

The Scrophulariaceae, or Figwort Family, consists of 150 genera around the world, 19 of them exist in California. Featured are the California Bee Plant, which growns in June, the Indian Warrior, which grows in March and April, and the Diolacus Grandiflorus, which grows April through July. 

Umberlliferae. Parsley Family

The Umberlliferae, or Parsley Family, consists of about 200 genera and over 1,000 species. Featured here is the Lomatium, it grows in April and May.