Frances Brown Botanical Gardens

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Frances Brown Botanical Gardens


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  • Cutouts of Frances Brown Botanical Paintings
    An edited version of Frances Brown's botanical paintings.
  • Martyniaceae
    Cover of Martyniaceae book (no research page included).
  • Lomatium
    Watercolor painting of Lomatium. This plant grows From April through May.
  • Umberlliferae. Parsley Family
    Research summary of the Umberlliferae, Parsley Family.
  • Diolacus Grandiflorus
    Watercolor painting of a Diolacus Grandiflorus. It grows from April through July.
  • Indian Warrior
    Watercolor painting of an Indian Warrior plant, or a Pedicularis Densiflora. This plant grown from March through April.
  • California Bee Plant
    Watercolor painting of a California Bee Plant, or a Scrophularia Figwort.
  • Scrophulariaceae. Figwort Family
    Research summary on Scrophulariaceae, the Figwort Family.
  • Milkweed
    Watercolor painting of Milkweed, or Asclepias Eriocarpa. This plant grows in June.
  • Asclepiadaceae
    Cover of Asclepiadaceae watercolor book (no research summary included).
  • Pearlwort. Stitchwort
    Watercolor paintings of a Pearlwort and a Stitchwort, or a Sagina Occidentalis and a Stellaria Jamesiana. Both these plants grow in June.
  • Caryophyllaceae. Pink Family
    Research summary on the Caryophyllaceae, Pink Family.
  • Chrysanthemum
    Watercolor painting of a Chrysanthemum, or a Segetum. This plant grows on the California coast in June and July, and it was introduced from Europe.
  • Compositae. Composite Family
    Research summary on the Compositae, Composite Family.
  • Corydalis
    Watercolor painting of a Corydalis, it grows in June.
  • Fumariaceae. Bleeding Heart Family
    Research summary on the Fumariaceae, Bleeding Heart Family.
  • Western Wall Flower. Lace Pod
    Watercolor paintings of a Western Wall Flower and a Lace Pod. The Western Wall Flower grown in June and the Lace Pod in April.
  • Cruciferae. Mustard Family
    Research summary on Cruciferae, Mustard Family.
  • Mountain Mint
    Watercolor painting of Mountain Mint, or Pyenanthemum Californieum. This plant grows in June.
  • Pitcher Sage
    Watercolor painting of Pitcher Sage, or Sphacele Calycina. This plant grows in June.
  • Labiate. Mint Family
    Research summary on the Labiate, Mint Family.
  • Iris Douglasiana
    Watercolor painting of an Iris Douglasiana. This plant grows on the California coast and is in season June through July. This was painted in Mendicino County, CA.
  • Sierra Iris
    Watercolor painting of a Sierra Iris, or an Iris Hartwegii. This plant grows from March through June.
  • Iridaceae. Iris Family
    Research summary of the Iridaceae, Iris Family.
  • Wooly Morning Glory. Wild Moring Glory
    Watercolor paintings of a Wooly Morning Glory (blue) and a Wild Morning Glory (pink), also known as the Convolvulus Villosus and the Convolvulus Atriolicifolius. The Wooly Morning Glory grown in July in the mountain region and the Wild Morning Glory grows in June.